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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Eastern Forktail Ischnura verticalis 29 29
Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella 18 18
Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa 17 17
Hagen's Bluet Enallagma hageni 16 16
Ruby Meadowhawk Sympetrum rubicundulum 12 12
Common Green Darner Anax junius 11 11
Familiar Bluet Enallagma civile 11 11
Eastern Pondhawk Erythemis simplicicollis 11 11
Ebony Jewelwing Calopteryx maculata 11 11
Eastern Amberwing Perithemis tenera 9 9
Common Whitetail Plathemis lydia 9 9
Common Baskettail Epitheca cynosura 7 7
Blue-fronted Dancer Argia apicalis 7 7
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk Sympetrum internum 7 7
River Jewelwing Calopteryx aequabilis 7 7
Dot-tailed Whiteface Leucorrhinia intacta 7 7
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing Lestes unguiculatus 7 7
Lance-tipped Darner Aeshna constricta 7 7
White-faced Meadowhawk Sympetrum obtrusum 7 7
Rainbow Bluet Enallagma antennatum 7 7
Black Saddlebags Tramea lacerata 6 6
American Rubyspot Hetaerina americana 6 6
Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis 6 6
Tule Bluet Enallagma carunculatum 6 6
Skimming Bluet Enallagma geminatum 5 5
Springwater Dancer Argia plana 4 4
River Bluet Enallagma anna 4 4
Slender Spreadwing Lestes rectangularis 4 4
Smoky Rubyspot Hetaerina titia 4 4
Halloween Pennant Celithemis eponina 3 3
Stream Bluet Enallagma exsulans 3 3
Plains Emerald Somatochlora ensigera 3 3
Riverine Clubtail Stylurus amnicola 3 3
Regal Fritillary Argynnis idalia 3 3
Elusive Clubtail Stylurus notatus 3 3
Scallop Moth Cepphis armataria 3 3
Shadow Darner Aeshna umbrosa 3 3
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta 2 2
Double-striped Bluet Enallagma basidens 2 2
None Amphiagrion intermediate 2 2
Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor 2 2
Band-winged Meadowhawk Sympetrum semicinctum 2 2
Prince Baskettail Epitheca princeps 2 2
Southern Spreadwing Lestes australis 2 2
Fawn Dancer Boyeria vinosa 2 2
Fiery Skipper Hylephila phyleus 2 2
Silvery Blue Glaucopsyche lygdamus 2 2
Plains Clubtail Gomphurus externus 2 2
Bidens Borer Moth Epiblema otiosana 2 2
Red-spotted Purple Limenitis arthemis 2 2
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.