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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Surfbird - SURF Calidris virgata 2 2
Tufted Puffin - TUPU Fratercula cirrhata 1 1
Ruddy Turnstone - RUTU Arenaria interpres 1 1
House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1 1
Piping Plover - PIPL Charadrius melodus 1 1
Acorn Woodpecker Melanerpes formicivorus 1 1
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos 1 1
Cinnamon Teal - CITE Spatula cyanoptera 1 1
House Finch Haemorhous mexicanus 1 1
Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia 1 1
Anna's Hummingbird - ANHU Calypte anna 1 1
Wilson's Warbler Cardellina pusilla 1 1
Parasitic Jaeger - PAJA Stercorarius parasiticus 1 1
Virginia Rail - VIRA Rallus limicola 1 1
Band-tailed Pigeon Patagioenas fasciata 1 1
Brandt's Cormorant Phalacrocorax penicillatus 1 1
California Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma californica 1 1
American Robin Turdus migratorius 1 1
American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos 1 1
Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater 1 1
Long-billed Curlew - LBCU Numenius americanus 1 1
American Dipper Cinclus mexicanus 1 1
Double-crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus 1 1
Heermann's Gull - HEEG Larus heermanni 1 1
Black Turnstone - BLTU Arenaria melanocephala 1 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa 1 1
Killdeer - KILL Charadrius vociferus 1 1
White-headed Woodpecker Picoides albolarvatus 1 1
Northern Harrier Circus hudsonius 1 1
Northern Pintail - NOPI Anas acuta 1 1
Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra 1 1
California Towhee Melozone crissalis 1 1
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1 1
Orange-crowned Warbler Leiothlypis celata 1 1
Common Murre - COMU Uria aalge 1 1
Black-necked Stilt - BNST Himantopus mexicanus 1 1
Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura 1 1
Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus 1 1
Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus 1 1
None Empidonax undetermined 1 1
Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis 1 1
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus 1 1
Marbled Godwit - MAGO Limosa fedoa 1 1
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos 1 1
Western Grebe - WEGR Aechmophorus occidentalis 1 1
Ring-billed Gull - RBGU Larus delawarensis 1 1
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 1 1
European Starling Sturnus vulgaris 1 1
Wandering Tattler - WATA Tringa incana 1 1
Nuttall's Woodpecker Picoides nuttallii 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.