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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Ring-billed Gull - RBGU Larus delawarensis 243 5,914
Killdeer - KILL Charadrius vociferus 356 1,493
Herring Gull - HERG Larus argentatus 80 744
American Golden-Plover - AMGP Pluvialis dominica 18 724
Wilson's Snipe - WISN Gallinago delicata 59 543
Royal Tern - ROYT Thalasseus maximus 56 481
Black Skimmer - BLSK Rynchops niger 33 348
Greater Yellowlegs - GRYE Tringa melanoleuca 100 327
Red Knot - REKN Calidris canutus 19 299
Lesser Yellowlegs - LEYE Tringa flavipes 96 280
Pectoral Sandpiper - PESA Calidris melanotos 64 254
Willet - WILL Tringa semipalmata 77 222
Forster's Tern - FOTE Sterna forsteri 101 201
Sanderling - SAND Calidris alba 74 200
Bonaparte's Gull - BOGU Chroicocephalus philadelphia 36 192
Least Sandpiper - LESA Calidris minutilla 52 181
Spotted Sandpiper - SPSA Actitis macularius 115 156
Black Tern - BLTE Chlidonias niger 37 138
Black-bellied Plover - BBPL Pluvialis squatarola 56 134
Laughing Gull - LAGU Leucophaeus atricilla 63 128
Caspian Tern - CATE Hydroprogne caspia 54 112
Semipalmated Sandpiper - SESA Calidris pusilla 26 102
Western Sandpiper - WESA Calidris mauri 21 102
Dunlin - DUNL Calidris alpina 35 94
Marbled Godwit - MAGO Limosa fedoa 35 85
Ruddy Turnstone - RUTU Arenaria interpres 54 85
Semipalmated Plover - SEPL Charadrius semipalmatus 51 80
Solitary Sandpiper - SOSA Tringa solitaria 60 75
Western Gull - WEGU Larus occidentalis 17 75
Franklin's Gull - FRGU Leucophaeus pipixcan 25 68
Elegant Tern - ELTE Thalasseus elegans 4 58
Short-billed Dowitcher - SBDO Limnodromus griseus 39 54
Long-billed Curlew - LBCU Numenius americanus 23 53
Black-necked Stilt - BNST Himantopus mexicanus 32 50
American Avocet - AMAV Recurvirostra americana 30 45
Long-billed Dowitcher - LBDO Limnodromus scolopaceus 27 42
American Woodcock - AMWO Scolopax minor 23 41
Snowy Plover - SNPL Charadrius nivosus 27 38
White-rumped Sandpiper - WRSA Calidris fuscicollis 17 37
Sandwich Tern - SATE Thalasseus sandvicensis 27 36
Common Tern - COTE Sterna hirundo 24 29
Whimbrel - WHIM Numenius phaeopus 14 24
Piping Plover - PIPL Charadrius melodus 15 23
Wilson's Phalarope - WIPH Phalaropus tricolor 19 23
American Oystercatcher - AMOV Haematopus palliatus 19 21
Stilt Sandpiper - STSA Calidris himantopus 13 19
Least Tern - LETE Stenula antillarum 10 19
Buff-breasted Sandpiper - BBSA Calidris subruficollis 7 18
Upland Sandpiper - UPSA Bartramia longicauda 14 17
Baird's Sandpiper - BASA Calidris bairdii 15 17
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.