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Common Name Species Records Total Observed
Eastern Forktail Ischnura verticalis 14 14
Ebony Jewelwing Calopteryx maculata 11 11
Common Green Darner Anax junius 9 9
Familiar Bluet Enallagma civile 7 7
Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa 7 7
River Bluet Enallagma anna 6 6
Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella 5 5
Prince Baskettail Epitheca princeps 5 5
Tule Bluet Enallagma carunculatum 5 5
Melissa Blue Plebejus melissa 3 4
Common Sootywing Pholisora catullus 4 4
Eastern Amberwing Perithemis tenera 4 4
Common Whitetail Plathemis lydia 4 4
American Rubyspot Hetaerina americana 4 4
Northern Bluet Enallagma annexum 4 4
Hagen's Bluet Enallagma hageni 4 4
Variegated meadowhawk Sympetrum corruptum 4 4
Eastern Pondhawk Erythemis simplicicollis 4 4
Springwater Dancer Argia plana 4 4
River Jewelwing Calopteryx aequabilis 3 3
Black Saddlebags Tramea lacerata 3 3
Dion Skipper Euphyes dion 3 3
None Amphiagrion intermediate 3 3
Blue-fronted Dancer Argia apicalis 3 3
Mulberry Wing Poanes massasoit 3 3
Common Baskettail Epitheca cynosura 3 3
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing Lestes unguiculatus 2 2
Plains Clubtail Gomphurus externus 2 2
Bronze Copper Tharsalea hyllus 2 2
White-faced Meadowhawk Sympetrum obtrusum 2 2
Red-spotted Purple Limenitis arthemis 2 2
Jade Clubtail Arigomphus submedianus 2 2
Band-winged Meadowhawk Sympetrum semicinctum 1 1
Hobomok Skipper Lon hobomok 1 1
Tawny Emperor Asterocampa clyton 1 1
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta 1 1
Clouded Sulphur Colias philodice 1 1
Dun Skipper Euphyes vestris 1 1
Little Wood Satyr Megisto cymela 1 1
Variable Dancer Argia fumipennis 1 1
Least Skipper Ancyloxypha numitor 1 1
Southern Spreadwing Lestes australis 1 1
Great Spangled Fritillary Argynnis cybele 1 1
Orange Sulphur Colias eurytheme 1 1
Horned Clubtail Arigomphus cornutus 1 1
Monarch Danaus plexippus 1 1
Peck's Skipper Polites coras 1 1
Great Spreadwing Archilestes grandis 1 1
Pearl Crescent Phyciodes tharos 1 1
Pink-Spotted Hawk Moth Agrius cingulata 1 1
Displaying 0 - 0 of 0 results with 0 total species.